Model Master Superfine Gray Lacq Prim Enam 14.7Ml

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Use to prime model in preparation for painting. Will not obscure or fill in fine detail such as rivets or panel lines. Recoat once fully dry ?? 20 minutes under normal conditions. This Primer is a lacquer so it is self dissolving. When applying over paint, always check compatibility before you start. It builds a bonding coat to both the plastic below and paint above. Can be used under all Testor/Model Master/Floquil and PollyScale Acrylics, Enamels or Lacquers. Can be used on plastic, white metal, metal, resin, contour putty and other fillers. Not recommended for highly porous surfaces. Use 28016 Lacquer Thinner. Do not thin with Pactra RC68, RC75, RC95 or Metalizer 1419 Thinners. When airbrushing use High Flow Nozzle 9306C at 20 PSI or less. Keep wet when spraying. Add thinner to stop cob webbing. Be sure to clean surface well with soap and water to remove all grease.