- Wingspan: 1540mm (60.6in)
- Fuselage Lenght: 1117mm (43.9in)
- Weight ( Ready to fly ): 2,9 - 3,2kg
- Engine: .46(2 stroke) / .70(4 stroke)
- Electric Motor: Boost 50 or any Electric motor same power with 46 size
- Battery: Lipo 14,8V 4000 mAh
- Radio req.: 5 channels with 5 servos (6 channels for retracts)
- Assembly instructions with stage photos
- Fiberglass cowling
- Electric motor mount
- Wheels and wheels cover
- Painted Pilot
- Engine mounts
- Spinner
- Fuel tank
- Decals and all hardware
Option :
- Electric retracts with struts: VQ-ARE04
- Mechanical retracts: VQ-AR04
Does not include: radio, motor, glue, or silicon fuel line