Safari Ltd Alpaca

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Out of Stock


Alpacas only exist as domesticated animals; no wild alpacas exist, although their wild cousins can be found roaming the Andes Mountains of South America. They are highly valued for their soft fur, much like their relations, llamas. However, alpacas are smaller than llamas.

  • Scientific Name: Vicugna pacos
  • Characteristics: Resembling a llama or camel, the smaller cousin displays the thick fur for which it’s famous. Alpacas have exploded in popularity and are now raised far from their home in the Andes Mountains.
  • Size and Color: A delightful combination of colors and textures completes the realism of this 3 ¾-inch-high alpaca figure. It’s also 3 ¾ inches long, making it about the size of a slice of bread.
  • The Alpaca is part of the Safari Farm team.
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free.


Alpacas are members of the camelid family, meaning they are related to both types of camels, dromedary and Bactrian, as well as to llamas. The ancestors of alpacas and llamas first appeared on the great plains of North America. Some migrated south, and eventually camelids were extinct in North America. In South America, they took up residence along the western coast of the continent, mostly in the foothills and heights of the Andes Mountains. There, both llamas and alpacas were domesticated. In fact, neither animal now survives in the wild, although their cousins, vicunas and guanacos, still live the wild life in the mountains.

  • Recommended Age: 3
  • Size in cm: 7.5 L x 3.1 W x 9 H
  • Size in inches: 2.95 L x 1.22 W x 3.54 H
  • UPC: 095866224509