Safari Ltd Diplodocus

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Diplodocus is one of the most famous long-necked dinosaurs. At over 88 ft long from the tip of its snout to the end of its whip-like tail, Diplodocus is as long as three buses. This ground-shaking plant eater occupied North America during the Late Jurassic, about 153 million years ago.

  • Scientific Name: Diplodocus carnegii
  • Characteristics: Diplodocus was a plant eater that had a tiny skull relative to the size of its giant body. It had simple, peg-like teeth for stripping leaves, a long neck, and an especially long whip-like tail. Diplodocus walked on all fours and its front feet had a single claw on the thumb. A row of soft, triangular spines may have extended along the top of its neck, back, and tail.
  • Size and Color: This huge model is 18.5 inches long and 4.5 inches high. It is an eye-catching turquoise on top and cream below.
  • Please note due to weather fluctuations and size of figure, there have been brittle figures with breaking parts. 
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free


This well-known, long-necked dinosaur was named in 1878. Many Diplodocus skeletons are known from the Jurassic deposits of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. Some early reconstructions wrongly portrayed Diplodocus in a sprawling posture, but this would have required a trench in the ground to accommodate its deep chest. Other researchers suggested it was amphibious and spent its life in the water to support its great weight. In reality, Diplodocus stood tall on straight, pillar-like legs and was fully terrestrial.

The industrialist Andrew Carnegie, who funded many early dinosaur excavations and to whom the species D. carnegii refers, donated casts of his namesake to museums around the world. These replicas were taken from an original Diplodocus skeleton in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, and ended up in Europe, Russia, Argentina and Mexico.

  • Recommended Age: 3+
  • Size in cm: 47.43 L x
  • Size in inches: 18.67 L x
  • UPC: 095866000981