Safari Ltd Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby

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Dinosaurs, like all modern birds and most reptiles, laid eggs. In recent years, many fossilized eggs and nests have been discovered, although we aren’t always sure what kind of dinosaur they belong to.

  • Scientific Name: Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Characteristics: Unlike the adults, the body of a baby T. rex was slim and its hind legs were long, suggesting that it was a very fast runner. Although its head was relatively large, its jaws and teeth were smaller and more lightly built than the adult, indicating that young Tyrannosaurus specialized in hunting smaller prey. For the first five years of life, the juvenile T. rex grew fairly slowly, after which it began to grow more quickly.
  • Size and Color: This model is 3.25 inches long and 2.5 inches high. It has a dark green back and lighter green underside like the adult, but the colors aren’t as bright, which allowed the baby to hide more easily.
  • The T-Rex Baby is part of the Wild Safari® Prehistoric World collection
  • All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free


Although we have never been able to identify a T. rex nest full of eggs, we do know that many other dinosaurs made nests, so T. rex almost certainly made them as well. Typically, the parent dinosaur would dig a shallow pit, lay the eggs in it. Each species of dinosaur appear to have laid the eggs in a characteristic pattern (e.g., in a ring, or standing on end) and then cover them with some soil or vegetation. At least one small theropod has been discovered still sitting on its nest just like a bird, but we don’t know if T. rex did this. Given its enormous size and weight, T. rex would have had to be extremely careful not to crush them. When the hatchling emerges from the egg, it was able to move around and feed almost immediately, and so probably did not require any parental care.

  • Size in cm: 8.5 L x
  • Size in inches: 3.35 L x
  • UPC: 095866298906